Just finished watching the Coco graduation event from Hololive. Super sad, even tho I'm not that familiar with Coco. The part with Kanata's letter really got me ;_;

Also 489k+ views on a youtube live stream! Has this ever been done before?

0 3

Just remember that even though Coco may be gone now, she'll live on forever in all of our hearts ♡

9 88

프리지아의 꽃말은 '당신의 시작을 응원합니다 '
새로운 시작을 응원할게요 회장!

4 9

Without Coco many internationals would not have known Hololive. It is largely thanks to her that I got interested in Vtubers. She'll leave a void in the community.

Thanks Coco.

3 13

Hey yo, mother fu*ker!!!

legendary dragon always in our minds.

4 19

I am not a big fan of Hololive but thank you for entertaining us for all this time until last moment.
Wish you best.

1 2


5 11

Thank you for all the smiles and laugher Kaichou. We will never forget you... I'm sad to see you go but will try my best to smile O7 🙏🐉

7 17