1⃣Well, we got the showdown between Kamen Victory vs Zener Techno in Volume 6. Unfortunately though, seeing Techno's powers in more detailed action. I should've guessed that Sylvia would fall short. But even in her Zero Suit, Sylvia still kicked ass.

15 58

2 down, 4 more to go. It'll be a while til I get no. 7, but hey, it pays to be patient.

As far as favorite characters, that's tough.

Kamen Comet (Misha) immediately won me over. Then Kamen Ramen (Kimiko) shows up in volume 2 and says, "Hold my noodles." 😅

6 28

Just finished reading my digital copy of vol.6 and it hit home alot... and did a great job writing. And now the long wait til vol.7 begins.

14 42

One extra detail I liked about 6, the way baby Sylvia is reaching for the pendant in the old photo, on the same page where her dad gives her the pendant.

7 28

One of my favorite moments of all time is in the new comic, it's regarding the cultural climate.

"Clout chasing is not heroic."

She's stands against everything that most geek culture influencers build their careers on, such as opinion curation and public approval.

50 168

Also worth learning from is be even more wary of people who are averse to evidence. There are a lot of people out there who want to pretend to be in favor of evidence, but when presented with it they go silent or run away or make excuses.

12 29

Another worthwhile lesson from
Always be cautious about people who tell you that someone on your side "isn't allowed to help." It usually means they care more about playing politics or hiding an ulterior motive.

19 46

I’ll go into a bit more on Cynthia later. But for now, I’ll just say that for her to go from this in the past. To her in the present, Tim Lim, props on the design overall.

18 50

Great epilogue for Volume 6. The cameo of Sawtooth from Punchline, must've had the biggest smile ever seeing that. Actually surprised Siggy knew this guy. Maybe we'll see Sawtooth later, in next year's crossover.

15 66

Zero Suit Sylvia for Smash Bros.

37 130

Volume 6 did not disappoint!

36 204

Alright, I'm back, and are you ready ? Cause here it is, these final moments with Sylvia and Dad. How could you and do such sorrowful, yet deeply emotional scenes!? I was on verge of tears, seeing them play games till his final moments.(1/2)#kamenamerica

21 75

Vol 6 Highlight, another great action shot, Tim is really kicking it up early in the book.

19 60

Just finished Reading Kamen America Vol 6, and thanks again for another great volume and . Nice job giving Sylvia such good moments and lore, I figured she's be the focus. And near the end...man the feels, but I'll go into more detail later.

16 52

Bun Bun Wednesday!

23 51

I have the sudden urge to join the Pet Club at Kamen Academy.

21 74

When you fall asleep with the heat turned up.

11 31

How can I resist not drawing this?! 🤣

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