(foi mal spammar só essas artes, são as melhores que tenho)
eai eu sou o kiwi, to fazendo cv e pretendo seguir na área de design gráfico. Comecei a fazer umas artes melhores esse ano, e to ficando muito feliz com os resultados


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Eae sou o kiwi, to há 3 meses me dedicando no desenho digital (eu desenhava antes disso, mas bem pouco)

Essas são minhas artes favoritas

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Ooo what a cool thread, ok then ^^

I'm kiwi, I'm 16 and picking colours is like, 70% of my drawing process ;__;

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eae eu sou o kiwi, tenho 17 e to me esforçando em fazer arte digital principalmente por conta do meu curso.
eu to tentando melhorar meu estilo, fazendo algo diferente, tipo essas 3 últimas artes, todas pra um trabalho interdisciplinar

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May Day
AFuckingKiwi, I give you my best bouquet of lily-of-the-valley! 💐
To whom will you give yours?
via https://t.co/VqBYqJSowM

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Meet Kiwi, ya'll

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¿Cuál es su fruta favorita?
(Kiwi,uva,cereza,mandarina,banana o limón)(luego subiré las demás frutas bye bye

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oh hey! i'm kiwi, a 16 yr old black british student :)

i like drawing with bright colours, coming up with game concepts and making stuff out of clay. i hope that one day i can be an illustrator or visual artist ^^

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Ok yes hi, I'm kiwi, I live in the UK and I study product design and art...and I draw stuff...that's all ^^

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kiwi, o gato com cara de mau mas q por dentro eh só um abestado boiola https://t.co/zo3xQiA6rA

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I had a fun time drawing all of these OC’s!! (OC owners from top left to right: IG: qinying_art, , IG: krissthekiwi, IG: pourmeacupofgalaxy, , IG: buniiru, , IG: https://t.co/BYEqdt0aiz.more, IG: zenppai, IG: natsuartsu )

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my only contribution to will be this magnificent sea kiwi, or the seawi

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The cutie Kiwi, for my bro
I wonder what she's so surprised at??

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here's the other stuff i drew in stamos' drawpile
(lil me, axo, kiwi, b r e a d, and kulu)

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Here is a quick of my cat Kiwi, shh she's trying to sleep

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✨Hello, welcome!✨
I am Kiwi, an asexual female Brazilian animation and digital arts university student, and I like drawing fluffy creatures and pretty ppl~
More stuff in my index thread here~

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Hi hi lovelies! I'm Kiwi, and I have a love for dark fantasy and powerful ladies. 🥺💜

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Hello lovelies! I’m Kiwi, and I have a weakness for pointy ears and strong ladies. 😔💚

Tagging for some love! 😘

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Hii !! I'm Loukiw / Kiwi, I'm french and this is the first time I participate in a tweet like that !!!
I like drawing ocs and designing characters
I try my best everyday and I would love for people to critique my art so I can get better ;v ;

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