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Simon's Cat is enjoying #jellybellyfriday and looking forward to the weekend, we hope you are all too!
@yrawrgymraeg Llyfr cymraeg i helpu plant i ddeall mwy am asthma .. a sut mae delio gydag asthma.
@asthmauk Llyfr cymraeg i helpu plant i ddeall mwy am asthma .. a sut mae delio gydag asthma. https://t.co/3owQo7yRV0
Catchup on one topic over the weekend, Yeah boyyee @Sketch_Dailies #FLAVORFLAVFRIDAY #notreallyfriday #sketch_dailies
Finally Friday. #finallyfriday #theweekendishere #gonnabehot #yay #somekindofwonderful