The Trump administration has invoked executive privilege over the contents of the Mueller report.

1 1

A belated Happy Flag Day, not to be confused with birthday which is a totally different day for celebrating inanimate objects.

10 27

Congrats on your legacy as a folksy fact vacuum with all the down-to-earth charm of cystic fibrosis.

25 51

Lindsey’s go-to cereal when President Full Diaper starts trash-talking his dead bestie and he needs to eat to forget the pain from that spine removal.

28 55

Day 859: When you’re such a fragile shitbird even the dead rattle you like a grocery bag filled with stolen jewelry.

40 82

Day 845: Praise be Talibama for forcing births so that they can give even more kids the worst education in the country.

35 82

Most sincerest apologies to de bc tiny hands down, Kenny Powers would get my vote over Daddy Nobucks every time.

13 36

Day 835: How about the 2 years acts as credit towards the 72 years the public is owed for having to endure a racist dum dum with all of the charisma of a golden retriever snuff film?

37 67

Kudos to the Speaker for calling out criminal crony Barr’s lying to protect Donny the Hutt.

27 55

Day 827: Fun fact - 10,000 is also the number of hush money payoffs dispensed by this clap-addled creep.

32 71

Day 826: Brought to you by the same stable medical genius who doesn’t know the difference between HPV and HIV. Or that being a doddering and obese septuagenarian isn’t “young and vibrant”.

38 73

i just cant! he was so cute qwq

5 22



Rei Nasu:
Yuko Kumagai:
Akane Hiura:

32 69

Day 817: The last time this doddering lie merchant got so worked up over a pile of papers was after reading the first draft of Ivanka’s book and finding out he wasn’t the love interest.

32 83

The Lord Master of Racist Trolls has no problem motivating his bigoted base to violence. Cowards see, cowards do.

20 43

Day 807: In which a (tiny) handpicked coverup crony is as transparent as a Trump tax return.

48 78

Day 801: More Mensa missives from the Stable Genius who brought you Nambia, eating pizza with a fork, and Eric Trump.

22 63