Time to meet the Ice Queen!❄️
Finally taking part of the AT au by: ✨This took 3 days, decided to go all in even tho this was supposed to be very simple. Imtiredplzhelp ✍️😔

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have this emma drawing( ु•⌄• )♡彡


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Sore sore mendung enaknya makan bakso malang yang lewat depan rumah 😔👌

Untuk kontes senin fanartnya re:on yang udah lama diumumin dan lupa dipost disini hehe

8 17

[INA GO🇮🇩] HELP RT plz 🥰

JIN 'Malang' Photo Binder ver.2 by

💰 IDR 455,000/pcs (DP 300K)
🍒 Photo Binder (A4 size, 15 Sheets inner sleeve)

♡ Close: 28 Januari (15:00 WIB)
♡ Details & Form Order ➵ https://t.co/0KD90qfdeJ

3 9

7. penguasa mahasiswa e malang

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Road Kill (2019)

Termasuk kat satu kawasan then kemalangan. GPS pon tak dapat detect kawasan yang dia lalu tuh!

Then jumpa satu family yang Selamat dia tapi Macam pelik gila family tuh! Perangai mamat tuh pon teruk! Macam SHIT! PLOT TWIST GILA beb!

104 289

Aye second day let's do this 🎉

Hello! I'm Ndeye, from Malang/Surabaya! I've been drawing for 5 years now, and I draw both traditional and digital, original and fan-art!

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Aight, warming up, I present you these fire babies 👁️👁️ 🔥👨‍🚒

Hello! I'm Ndeye, from Malang/Surabaya! I've been drawing for 5 years now, and I draw both traditional and digital, original and fan-art!

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Hello semua! Aku vi artist dari indonesia, lebih tepatnya aku ini orang Pemalang, Jateng. Aku suka gambar cogan/cecan dan gambarku masih bisa dihitung jari.


ada dtiys sama wip fav ><

8 16

Hai haiii ~ Sagami Michiko here~ 🍋Portrait Illustrator based on Malang and Surabaya 🧡

For the rest of my portofolio:

Ig: https://t.co/raT1Vb2Edd
Be: https://t.co/f6bxlMKFav

Wanna be mutual? Leave a comment bellow 😁

57 223

I made art ahhahahahah I had some taro boba yesterday WHICH IS BASICALLY MALANGA AND I LOVE MALANGA HAHAHAH

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No fotografío a mi gato porque no aparecería como es.

Con una ilustración sí consigo mostrarlo como es.

¿Verdad que tu gato no es como nos lo podemos imaginar?

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I do not photograph my cat because it would not appear as it is.

With an illustration I can show it as it is.

Isn't it true that your cat is not as we can imagine it?

1 1

Malang bertimpa-timpa Trump ni. Sejak dia tak nak mengaku kalah dan nak bawak perkara ni ke atas macam-macam berlaku kat kabinet dia dan White House. Dia dah lah takde majoriti dah, dia bajet... oh wait...

0 4

loved the tiktok stream w and Emma Langevin so much i had to draw these lovely people ♡ stream the long halloween and e-girls are ruining my life!

10 48

(Sersan) Rudi Hindrawan merupakan seorang mantan perwira Angkatan Darat yang telah malang melintang di berbagai operasi militer. Dia juga tercatat sebagai salah satu anggota satuan "TADIKA MESRA", satuan operasi gelap yang khusus melancarkan misi misi di seluruh belahan dunia.

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Udh 2 hari kami wisata di Malang. Tadi pacarku nemu taman gajelas yg tiba2 muncul di Google Map. Kirain ini Selecta tp trnyt bukan. Pas kusearch, ga ada infony sm skali.

Bagus sih bnyk tanemannya meski ga lazim bentuknya.

Cuma kyknya ada yg salah sm taman ini...

[2/2 - tamat]

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Help RT 💫
Open pre order original artprint, Illustrated by me ✨
Petra & Jerusalem Series
🌹Pengiriman dari Malang, Jatim.
💳 Pembayaran via Jenius (bank BTPN)
order form : https://t.co/ZsOdbOQ7Uw dm/wa (nino)
instagram : @/anatolia.id

19 12

Karyaku! Haloooo ijin share fanart si kembar malang~🧡💛

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