P1. something sad
P2. I hope Neji can come back even this way ,what will tenten said if she see?

19 45

neji has a hard time expressing love through words
(; ω ; )ヾ(´∀`* )🌺

2 9

I needed to do some so here she is!✨
I love her so much! also I love so much

6 12

Let's travel together (when the Covid crisis is over) I'll keep drawing while I do

12 28

most influential NejiTen artist of our time. Also.....SP "kinda" gets it here (lol). THIS was (to us) a "we hear you" nudge from SP.

1 3

Ains ansiosa por escribir la idea que surgió con esta imagen de mi OP

4 7

I forgot to post this, the Covid crisis is affecting my memory. I think his hair is not...like I thought it would end but don't care.

12 23

Я тут подумала
А теперь...

3 8