Draw Your OC crying alone
„People cry, not because they are weak. It is because they've been strong for too long.“
⁃Johnny Depp

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Draw Your OC sitting in bed
My pathfinder character Eygon after waking up! ❤️

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Inked & colored that Triflik sketch from a few days ago.

*bops the top of his head* This bad boy can fit so much acid in him. Interested in seeing how this pf2e playtest pans out once everything's in motion lol.

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did another draw of my samsaran!!1 samsarans are the best and I am continuing my efforts to convince paizo to add them officially to pf2e. in this essay I will (1/396)

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Hey, so I drew my . She's a fighter, I hope someone sees it ! Always felt like Twitter voids me x.x

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Self care is designing a whole new outfit for your dnd character kisses him on the cheek, he is my gay little pf2e Monk and I love him

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World of Darkness is a nice change of pace from PF2E (especially after that bone-headed errata move). This is Fiona, she’s a fog witch. Her mask and mien are pretty much the same.

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❤️ Smile with your loved ones when they are still here! ❤️
Moder AU of my Pathfinder 2nd Edition Character, Eygon!

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This was my character in a one shot we played in Pathfinder 2nd Edition.
Her name was Luna, she was a witch focused on healing. Her little familiar was named Nox. It was fun playing a cat and doing all the stuff cats are doing 😂

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konkrete garden art - the party's childhood meals!

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A big oni boi for a PF2E game that's got a lot of re-skinned homebrew stuff in it! His name is Emperor Sachihiro (he is, in fact, not an actual emperor)

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Finally out of my rut, I feel. Gonna make some combinations art + homebrew. Ruleless version here too. First one up: A basic Arcane/Primal cantrip for Pathfinder Second Edition, "Barrage".

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More stuff! Tokens for the PF2 campaign I'm playing, a little cover illustration for a Lancer one shot I'm cooking and some quick throwaway hextile tests.

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FLEX!! My girl Darly’s gotten a lot stronger since she first started adventuring 💪

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