i was thinking of the Key Stone specifically, which is the bit that's actually held by the Trainer (and which. looks different :V)

if Megas *are* in somehow then i'd wager they'd be incompatible with Terastallizing; there's precedence with Z-Moves and Mega Rayquaza

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ah, Pokémon's mascot, Electrouse! no wait... Zapprodent! no, that's not right either... Pikachu? that doesn't sound right. oh well.
(also Terastal looks like a really cool mechanic)

7 26

Recently got some secondary sales on my babieees on . Thank you Jahtoshi Rastamoto 😘

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Pokémon Presents reveals details on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's Paldea region, the Terastal Phenomenon, new Pokémon, characters and more https://t.co/vxhL5wm3Bq

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floette with the new grass type terastal flowers 💐

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Terastal Drifblim

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My current ranking of gimmicks since X and Y. I know isn't out yet, but the Terastal Phenomenon reminds me a lot of Mega Evolution, which already makes it better than Z-Moves and Dynamax/Gigantamax.

2 12

Ok so the Terastallized Pokemon are basically the Delta Species from the Crystal Guardians TCG pack. Got it.

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The Terastral phenomenon is only found in the Paldea region. By Terastallizing, Pokémon can change to their Tera Type, and will shine and glimmer like gems. 💎

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leaked image of terastallized chandelure

3 19

I thought the whole Terastalize thing was really cool tbh!

7 26

Would Dugtrio terastalize like this?    Or this?

1 12

Decided to try making that Terastal Shader, ended up taking 10 minutes to get relatively close.

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3 New Pokemon, Cetitan (white), Paldean Wooper, Fidough.

You can do all the gyms in whatever order you want, the map is huge. Some new characters revealed.

New mechanic: Terastallize, the pokemon is crystalized and changes type / becomes stronger in their own type.

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