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Jenshi is an only child to his father, he technically has a half brother on his mother's side but they've never met! His brother carries the same sort of passion for life that jenshi does but he's much more excitable and intense, hes also a pyromaniac and a black mage lmao https://t.co/lbMvgBoQmP
@yuliaphyria It’s Romani and solomon and their feral son goetia 😭😭😭😭
Kyushu Owl
Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Kyushu, Shikoku, Southern Honshu
Japanese Name: キュウシュウフクロウ
Romanised Name: Kyūshū Fukurō
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 8 Years
Scientific Name: Strix uralensis fuscescens
Ringed Seal
Japanese Name: ワモンアザラシ
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Distribution: Arctic Ocean
Diet: Piscivore
Scientific Name: Pusa hispida
Romanised Name: Wamon'azarashi
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 to 20 years
Romanised Name: Hirakoteriumu
Conservation Status: Extinct
Diet: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: ヒラコテリウム
Scientific Name: Hyracotherium
Short-Beaked Common Dolphin
Scientific Name: Delphinus delphis
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 35 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Mairuka
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southeast Indian Ocean
Diet: Carnivore
Japanese Name: マイルカ
Eastern Wolf
Distribution: Great Lakes
Conservation Status: ?
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 3-4 years
Romanised Name: Shinrin ōkami
Scientific Name: Canis lupus lycaon
Also known as: Eastern Timber/Algonquin/Deer Wolf
Japanese Name: シンリンオオカミ
Diet: Carnivore
Happy Romania’s Day!!!
#romania #RomaniaNationalDay #ibisPaintX #ibisPaint #Romanian
La mulți ani, România! 🇷🇴❤️
Today December 1 is the national day of Romania, so to celebrate it, Haji dressed in traditional Romanian clothes. :)
Haji / Romani belong to @worldflagsorg
#worldflags_fa #worldflags_samurai
#ワールドフラッグス #romania #lamultianiromania
White-Eared Opossum
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Didelphis albiventris
Distribution: South America
Also known as: White-Eared Possum
Romanised Name: Shiro mimi opossamu
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20 months
Japanese Name: シロミミオポッサム
Japanese Name: パルコアライサン2号
Also known as: Parcoarai-san2, Parcofennec, Palcofennec
Romanised Name: Parukoaraisan Ni-gō
Conservation Status: Unidentified Mysterious Animal
Original Species: Parcoala, Fennec Fox
Classification: Mascot
Arctic Hare
Scientific Name: Lepus arcticus
Japanese Name: ホッキョクウサギ
Romanised Name: Hokkyokuusagi
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 5 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Herbivore
Distribution: Northern North America
@randomcupcakey Are they still grieving Romani?! 😭😭😭
David hasn’t been dealing with his grief and I’m glad that we finally get to see this 😭😭
Eurasian Otter
Japanese Name: ユーラシアカワウソ
Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Europe, Central Asia, China, India, Southeast Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4 years
Scientific Name: Lutra lutra
Romanised Name: Yūrashiakawauso
Conservation Status: Near Threatened