Estou fazendo uma animação (em que o mortis aparece (ainda to o reteiro (eu meio que fiquei o dia todo nele e não ia postar -_-,mas decidi postar esse draw ai XD)
eu fiz o draw no papel(sem rascunho msm -_-) espero que gostem :D

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I like to think this is a regular occurrence, where Ink will randomly try to work the fact his brother is made of apple sauce into conversation while Dream isn’t paying attention. And it somehow works every time.

2 22

Tbt: Wonder Wink! The lasso may keep you from telling a lie but there's secrets in those eyes! Prints in the donut shop.

0 4

Hoy se estrena en HBO una de las producciones más esperadas de DC Universe: 'Stargirl'. La serie se inspira en el cómic 'Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E'. ¿Te apetece verla?

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