First one was a friendly fire for Hanatatami. I owed her this one from a year ago!

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Im back from a nine days family visiting trip, so i gotta get back to drawing! here some sketches and studies along side with a little Tatami Galaxy fan art 😄#cutiesaturday

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『tatami 2ndアルバム ふらちツアー@尾道』

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I’m actually being productive with Art Fight this year, here’s some attacks featuring the characters of , Hanatatami, and !

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Added a few new kegs to . Take My Bones Away, a delicious IPA brewed with , Tatami a new low-strength hoppy pale and a couple of kegs of the (in)famous Rauchwine. Take a look-see

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【tatami 新アルバム発売!】

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TATAMI STUGIWOさんの東方アレンジCDとかのジャケ絵描いてます

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When Train Cultures Collide: Tatami Kanzaki’s One-Frame Manga Depicts A Traveler’s Woes

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イワケット様 から通行証とサークル案内届きました!!
TATAMI STUGIWOはC3C4です。東方アレンジの過去作品などを頒布、委託頒布として岩手県DTMの会 の東北ずん子コンピアルバムも置きます。

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watch tatami galaxy it's on funimation :-)

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Well now that I finished Tatami Galaxy, time to watch The Night is Short, Walk on Girl !!

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Hoy os queremos mostrar esta curiosa habitación de estilo japonés de nuestra simpática y sonriente alumna . La cocina tiene hasta sus tazoncitos de madera de un juego de y sobre el tatami 😍 ¡Qué detallista es!

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. (Mind Game, Tatami Galaxy, Lu Over The Wall) dirigirà dins l'estudi la nova sèrie spin-off de Shin-Chan, "Super Shiro"!

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