Monday (today):
7pm - Let’s Build a Funny Song from Scratch
12.30pm - Lunchtime Zoom Disco Safari Edition (ask me for the zoom link)
& 7pm - Let’s Re-Orchestrate A Song
8pm - Guess Who? With Tom Shueue
If Raphinha scores today I’ll give away this print to one lucky person!
To enter
Winner announced Weds 3rd Feb 8pm.
All prints and cards available here👇🏻
#lufc #LeedsUnited #raphinha @TheSquareBall @PhilHay_ @OrtaKnowBetter
'A scroll for one or two? Tracings of the Chinese picture-scroll (圖卷 tujuan) in history’ is the title of my seminar presentation @CambridgeFames @ChinaCambridge next week, Weds 3rd Feb 2021 at 5pm London time.
You're asked to register in advance:
@PositivityTuber I'm ViMiMi, but just mimi or vimi is fine (or almost anything really)💜 I like JRPGs, rhythm games, drawing, and sometimes karaoke. I do high end raiding in FFXIV and stream it twice a week (weds/thurs JST) and once a week I do draw streams (tues JST)!
Celebrating 5k #Twitch follows with 5 #Giveaways! Custom #furry Reference Sheet by @antlertheduchi, who we ALL LOVE <3
To enter:
🦦Go to type !ottottott in chat
🦦Like & Retweet this
🦦Follow @OtterlyTiffin
Results Weds 6pm GMT #live on #Stream
Have you preorder this RAD @MeghanHetrick cover for X-O MANOWAR #4 out next Weds. 1/27?
It's available EXCLUSIVELY over at:
Nice work by Schnell. Sadly, kid’s school is almost over and I have parent stuff to do. Probably gonna miss the main event :(
Follow @RiniMMA for art updates about my next book The Fine Art of Violence, Volume 2. Also editorial cartoons @BloodyElbow Mon & Weds.
Did my first ever DJ set today in my lunchtime zoom disco. I’m so sweaty now from all those sweet sweet shapes we were throwing in there! If you wanna join me, I’m going to do another one next weds lunchtime at 12.30 (until zoom kicks us off) let me know if you want to come xx
🚀🌈💎Astro Is On His Way Back To @SuperRare 💎🌈🚀
Landing [Weds 20 Jan l 6pm GMT]
But Which One Could It Be...
#mbsjq #cryptoart #spaceart #NFTart
Follow 💎 So You Don’t Miss Out 🙏🏻💎
Weekly Schedule👽
✨JAN 18TH - 24TH✨
Mon ; CODE VEIN [10pmGMT/5pmEST]
Tues; Borderlands 2 PART 1 w/ @Halbernacht [11pmGMT/6pmEST]
Weds; N/A
Thurs; N/A
Friday; Little Nightmares [10pmGMT/5pmEST]
🔥New on 1/8🔥
There's No Way This Is Fate. -Newlyweds Arc- (1)
by Chifuyu
The sequel to the hit omegaverse story, There's No Way This Is Fate!
Yuuzen, Kouetsu and Ginga are ready to enjoy their new life as newly weds!
Link to Manga:
So my stream schedule has been a bit borked the last couple of weeks because of Stuff
But we're gonna jump right back into it!
TUES 12/29 - Steam Roulette!
WEDS 12/30 - Revengeance and/or Darksiders
Start time for both days is
Last orders for gift cards for bespoke bird or animal & vintage map prints is Weds 16th December, to get them posted in the UK in time for Christmas! Available in my website shop:
The Greater Quiet, WEDS. 12.9.20 Scenes from an Infodemic.
Subscribe to my project:
My work is now available in the @thehorsebridge #Whitstable
Open: Weds - Sat 10am-4pm- Sun10am-3pm
#shoplocal #shopindependentthischristmas #independentisbest #helpkentbuylocal #campaignshopindependent #supportlocalartists
#art #buylocal #buyart
The Greater Quiet, WEDS 12 2 20 GABRIEL STERLING
GREATER QUIET free Subscription:
My Nation blog:
See the collection here:
More on Sterling:
So i get y'all are probably wonderin why I dont have a schedule up. That's because I'll be focusing on the subathon this week and I'll only be streaming on Deviloper hour on Weds. I hope y'all understand =w=
"This is not exactly what new weds should do, Tifa"
Thanks to all the people who watched this coming to life via Twitch ♥
#Cloti #クラティ #cloudstrife #cloud #TifaLockhart #tifa #FF7 #FF7R #FF7Remake #FinalFantasy7Remake
All of my 9x12 inch prints are on sale already and on Weds, you can get 25% off your order total until next Tuesday! (BLACKFRIDAY in the coupon code)