
289 1339

Happy one year BaeRys! 🎲❤️💎

81 422

오늘은 1주년 입니다 요번에 초청할때 그냥 벨즈도 같이 초청해서 부부 콘서트 하는게 어떨까요?
art by

91 412

Even if they're divorced or not, IRyS and Bae are a great duo ☺️

With a lot of funny moments between them, but it's those Teetee interactions that show how sweet, supportive and cute they are to each other, how strong is their friendship.

Happy anniversary!!! 💎❤️🐀

4 37

"Hey Bea, Aren't You Forgetting Something??....." -Irys

24 109

Don't be shy, Bae~

Try to draw fluffy, but become comedic in the end...

51 309

One year of the married/divorced couple's shenanigans 🎲❤️💎

139 590


391 3026

YabaIRyS strikes again👀

Anytime I draw a spicy picture of Bae, I'm gonna stick IRyS somewhere in the background.

1611 13501

kissin cuz im horni

483 3543

they got wet from the rain, now they're gonna get sick :)

455 2474

Genuinely losing my mind

100 647

This is that hot new meme all the kids are talking about, right?

3 33


519 3029