Now I’m binge-watching GoT as he waits for me to catch up till season 8 🥶

9 91

Kicking ass and taking names The Counter from comics with Arelis

1 1

IT husband is a considerate man so I’ll let him feel good about himself 😂

11 94

Our kind of Easter egg hunt!🎁

We can’t wait to watch it...just a couple days more!

3 52


I have what people call “a birdie’s stomach”, I eat little but many times a day. He’s always happy to finish my food😂

16 94

Love hurts - 4 of 4

Revenge! >:)

P.S.If you read RSJ, there was an episode about a trip to Bali where I slipped and hurt my knee. It still annoys me sometimes especially when it's humid or when I walked a lot. 🙈

5 72

[Lost Phone]
This is what happened yesterday. 😂 When life gives you lemons, make comics!

7 101

Love hurts - 3 of 4

It's like kissing a 🌵...😂

I've just finished drafting the first chapter of the comic book, woohoo! Hopefully I can keep up with the schedule of one chapter every month!

10 75

Love hurts - 2 of 4

My ribs can endure your power of love...!

IT guy loves showing affecting by lifting me up, unfortunately I'm not small sized so he had to hug tightly to prevent me from slipping down. My ribs are still intact👌🏼

9 91

Sometimes IT husband reminds me when I thank him, how cute :3

Currently super busy with job deadlines! Can’t wait to share with you guys when the illustrated books are out. Will make new comics when I have time🖤

15 109

[Stress Relief]
I love the smell of IT husband. When he’s not at home I would go to the closet and smell his clothes...😂 Lots of work going on! Hope I can post something this Friday.

13 115

me da pena públicar mis dibujos jaja...


6 28

Sleeping habits of Art wife💤

In our personalised vows, we vowed to love each other snoring included😂

12 111

Wedding Rings💍
Some of you have been asking why I don’t draw the rings in the comic. It’s because I will forget to draw them... 😂

17 148

Married Life: Sleeping Habits 💤
I did not see this coming...😂

12 127

Valentines’s Day💓
We are the lazy and thrifty couple. Ehehehe

17 151

According to Chinese traditions, you receive red packets when single, and start giving out to younger generations and single friends when you’re married. So this year we have the joy of giving🤗

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