here's ghost, arctic recon unit with the ability to camouflage himself

3 24

Kecleon got caught in front of some modern art and had to camouflage quick!
(had this idea and had to draw it, kecleon one of the all time greats)

5 14

I run Crypto Camouflage.
My characters want to blend in the surroundings but they also want to stand out too.
I use camouflage patterns to express their feeling.

Please look at the colorful and distinctive animals from the link!

2 4

I run Crypto Camouflage.
My characters want to blend in the surroundings but they also want to stand out too.
I use camouflage patterns to express their feeling.

Please look at the colorful and distinctive animals from the link!

2 4

「Report on Stylish Wolves」(RoSW)mintしました!🐺


事前オファーは今から5/8(日)18:00(JST)まで「上限 0.03」で受付中‼️

30 77

Adovals know how to camouflage themselves very well among people: act like them, dress like them, love like them, fight like them...
Follow us and join our Discord!

1 7

The Tomb Golems are monstrous giant zombies and higher ranks of the Rots. The Tomb Golem can camouflage itself from a pile of boulders to a mountain. These beauties are General Growl's high ranking Resralkers as they tend to protect their master's territory.

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Japanese Squirrel

The Japanese Squirrel is normally found in the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan. They have reddish grey fur with tufted ears. Sharp claws and bushy tails. However, in the winter, their fur changes color, to become light brown and white to camoufla

5 13


Thanks to the hard work of our members during the Jungle Expedition, a new Xero type has been created!

This new Xero is up for Auction! They feature 2 new traits: Jungle Patagia & Camouflage

SB: 50
MI: 5

Ends 24 hours after the last bid!

12 75

I run Crypto Camouflage.
My characters want to blend in the surroundings but they also want to stand out too.
I use camouflage patterns to express their feeling.

Please look at the colorful and distinctive animals from the link!

5 10

natural light. In nature this results in a very basic form of camouflage, in drawings it looks weird to cancel out the lighting though (2/2)

quick rough n dirty sketch to illustrate my point

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Crypto camouflagekun




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Reverse Mermay The Bay Pipefish is a member of the seahorse family, so instead of scales it has a body lined with bony rings. It doesn't swim well, so it camouflages in eelgrass meadows.

3 4

「Report on Stylish Wolves」(RoSW)mintしました!

🦁 Willy(ヴィリー) camoufla.ver

事前オファーは30分前まで「上限 0.03」受付‼️

35 97

April 29, 1922: It will take over 10 years for the French army to fully switch from horizon blue to better-camouflage khaki uniforms. The dull brown look will first be adopted by colonial troops and legionaries. (Memphis Commercial Appeal)

3 12

And today comes Stealthrrel Ninriken, she is a silent reploid who can use camouflage to hide in any environment and with her ninja skills she can beat almost any oponent in a blink, she is also the Leader of the Phantom Squad

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We're working on a rather interesting WW2-era Soviet camouflage. Check it out!

1 25

Skirmish attacks are his specialty, his camouflage ability is second to none!

Find the Chameleons on the LastSword May Patreon.

4 11