I cannot miss the oportunity cause... damn. I take 100$ for one fullbody so and Butch... I know you pay for the experience one artist have and for the years of learning, but... At least the guy could TRY to make it looks decent? 😬

12 65

If I charged $200 for a commission maybe I wouldn't have to keep them closed all the time🤔#my200vsbutch200

14 73

There are alot of problems with the tag, but mostly being that younger artists taking commissions need to be paid more.

Make a portfolio, Set your prices better. If this fart can do it so can you

But who am I to say? Im just a non-binary furry with a BFA 🤷

2 5

so my commissions at most are possibly 30-60 bucks depending on what ya get. But uh... looking at butch.. I start to realize my art isn't so bad.

0 3

i recently found out about wtf this guy is doing so here's the hashtag, i need to show my art around anyway ,, hnn $60 commission VS $200 commission

1 7

You could buy 8 of these fully shaded pieces for those $200 More like "underpriced artist gang" 😳

Shameless plug because I plan to open commissions soon 😊

9 24

I know my art style isn't the most appealing to some people, but I figured I might as well contribute to the great "prove Butch Hartman is a worthless waste of flesh" cause lol

0 14

I dont know much of what's going on with the just know I've never charged a single cent for any of my commissions for anyone D:
and he gets $200 for that :o

( ´_⊃`) interesting. lol

2 24

This tag is so funny I'm gonna lose it asdfghjkl
None the less:

1 10

is really funny to me- (and tbh this isn’t even $200 work from me, I’d price it as in the ~$125ish range,,,)

1 4

my commissions aren't even anywhere near $200 i'm honestly just floored everytime i look at this picture of Dib oh my GOD

1 0

I charge the around $20 for A full color art piece, with $200 you can get a bunch of them. but Butch only gives you 1 and his signature. Not worth it IMO

1 1

not quite 200 but these are probably my priciest comms at 120-150USD :'D

0 8

my commissions range is like $5 to $28 dollars wtf

1 14

None of these were commissioned work, but i like to think i put way more effort than that Dib drawing going around.
Maybe I should open commissions in the future.

2 7

Oh man, I hope that someday my commissions will reach that price 😧

2 8

Hopping on the trend going on because why not :-)

7 43

Im all for artists charging industry prices...but come on

(Maybe a little over oop)

12 58