👟Ichigo and Ringo are on a school trip today.👟 Ichigo took a lunch box with omelet but Ringo couldn't make up his mind and finally took some snacks, just making it in time!🍙🍳

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I spent the morning weeding the garden. Weeds grow so quickly in summer you have to keep on top of it!

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Ringo overslept this morning and tried to skip breakfast, but it's the most important meal of the day so I made him eat!

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The season to plant rice is fast approaching. Planting rice in muddy paddy fields is so much fun!

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If you go shopping when you're hungry you tend to buy more food than you need!

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Today we had tea in the garden! It was lovely to enjoy tea while being surrounded by beautiful flowers!

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The weather can't make its mind up recently. Should I risk putting the washing outside or inside?

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While walking this morning I found the young leaf of mugworts! I'm making mugwort rice cake! It's the first sign summer is on the way!

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Phew! I just finished cleaning the house today, including the bath that is now as shiny as new. I'm exhausted!

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When I was walking Max this morning I saw so many beautiful flowers. It made me feel that summer is on its way!

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Have you ever found a four leaf clover? I found one today when out walking Max! Lucky💕 

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Ichigo and Ringo will practice the emergency evacuation drill at school tomorrow. It's good to practice these routines so you're ready for an emergency.

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I made pancakes today! I like to eat pancakes with maple syrup and butter. How do you eat yours?

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Lots of flowers have blossomed in my garden so I need to make sure they have enough water!

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Spring cabbage is so sweet it tastes great! The kids love spring vegetables too!

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After hanging the washing a swallow flew by. Back after the winter, it seemed to be looking for somewhere to make a nest.

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We went to dig up bamboo shoots at the weekend! It's so much fun to find bamboo shoots. The children loved it. To cook put the bamboo shoots in a pot with rice bran, add water and boil!

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I cleaned the windows today. I wiped so much I think my arms will hurts tomorrow.

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Today I'm making onion soup! Put a whole onion with consommé and boil well. Then eat it whole!

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It's getting warmer here. It rains often but the rain helps to grow the plants during spring.

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