󾓦 tantrums on Twitter as to why he cannot have a dictatorship. & cannot be grabbed by the pussy! 󾓦

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1967 年,林彪副主席說「無產階級專政是絞肉機」。
In 1967, Lin Biao declared: Proletariate Dictatorship is a meat grinder.

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1967 年,林彪副主席說「無產階級專政是絞肉機」。
In 1967, Lin Biao declared: Proletariate Dictatorship is a meat grinder.

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Time to End the Two Party Corporate Dictatorship!

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End The Two Party Corporate Dictatorship!

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End The Two Party Corporate Dictatorship!

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End the Two Party Corporate Dictatorship.

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Two Party Corporate Dictatorship. Peaceful Revolution now!No more corporatocracy

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Democracy Now reveals the Two Party Corporate Dictatorship.

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no-fascism (aka GOP) will NOT take over senate and will loose house.2party corporate dictatorship.

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thanks for your dedication and courage. Once the corporate dictatorship ends you won't be hassled.

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moral courage and physical courage are distinctly different. Help end 2Party Corp dictatorship.

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Your show wreaks of plutonomy. End 2Party Corporate Dictatorship!

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and end corporate rule! Two party corporate dictatorship.

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my statement on out two party corporate dictatorship.

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this is my illustration of BOTH corporate candidates. 2 party corporate dictatorship.

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Mia please help end the two party corporate dictatorship. Please enjoy my illustration.

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