Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp in a blonde wig - c1955

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Art is made to disturb, science reassures. - Georges Braque


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Hoy es cumpleaños de Duchamp 🎂

De él es mi definición favorita de arte: "El arte es un secreto que sólo se revela entre conspiradores"

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『Please show us your truth, Marcel Duchamp.』

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Beep beep. It's Duchamp's birthday. A problematic day. The early Cubo-Futurist paintings are a real achievement. Unexpectedly spooky. But then he started hiding his misogyny behind sleazy conceptual mind-games. And too many believed him. Mind you, he was good in the Might Boosh!

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, hey there. This is and in addition to this account I also run the account for Marcel Duchamp . Check it out

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In Peggy Guggenheim's apartment, NYC 1942. Front: Stanley William Hayter, Leonora Carrington, Frederick Kiesler, Kurt Seligmann; middle: Max Ernst, Amédée Ozenfant, André Breton, Fernand Léger, Berenice Abbott; back: Jimmy Ernst, PG, John Ferren, Marcel Duchamp, Piet Mondrian.

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King and Queen surrounded by swift nudes, 1912

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, what do you think about Marcel Duchamp ? Pretty good ha!? 😏

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Looking at Duchamp-Koons mashup on cover of catalog and all I can see is logo

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The feminine alter ego of Marcel Duchamp was "Rrose Sélavy". Rrose first emerged in portraits of Duchamp made by Man Ray (1921). Duchamp later attributed specific works of art, readymades, puns & writings to his feminine alter ego. The name is itself a pun: "Rose, c'est la vie."

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"Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2" (1912) - Marcel Duchamp

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