画質 高画質

There were several sources of inspiration that brought about the concept of Najima as a character. One of them was from Konosuba!

In honor of that, I drew this!

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Sure, here are two of my girls. ❤ The white-haired sorceress Cynthia, and her mother Gabrielle the warrior chieftess.

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But what will become of me
When my yellow brick road is torn up now?
A heartless sorceress hunts for me in the darkness
Everything is wrong

But I have friends
Who help me on

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oiêe!! eu sou a lily e desenho personagens, mas também faço capas de livros! se tiver interesse, manda uma dm que a gnt conversa 💖🌷

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hi! i'm opening 2 more commission slots :) please DM if you're interested

oii tenho 2 espaço de encomenda abertos, me mandem DM se tiverem interesse :)

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G-Fantasy é uma revista interessante quando vc analisa os títulos e o que estão sendo publicado lá, um dos favoritos no momento é:


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Comissão que eu fiz para
Interessados me chamem na DM

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Princess Jasmine Perez's life's turned upside down when she discovers her magic as a Sorceress kidnaps her people. It's up to her to save her Kingdom.

Prequel: https://t.co/EdAD6VjVOa

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minha amiga está voltando a vender artes feitas em papel(com frete incluso no valor)

A4 gramatura 180, 200, 300g
A5 igual

ela faz cenas, personagens ou desenha vc/alguém em formato de anime

quem tiver interesse me chama dm 🫰

rt: sério e humilde

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oie, me chamo alan, e voltei a desenhar novamente apos algum tempo, sempre desenhei de tudo, embora goste de coisas relacionadas a rpg, anime e afins kk.
tambem estou com comissoes abertas para caso algum ser vivo tenha interesse 🤓🤓🤓

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Najima's a bit of a reader, and it has definitely contributed to her quixotic nature.

“Finally, from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind.” - Don Quixote

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Olá, tenho interesse! Trabalho com ilustração e criação de personagens mascotes. Tenho traço e estilo flexíveis! :D
Portifólios: https://t.co/IsyDij3WMd e https://t.co/SiuGSi7Yv4

📧Contato: dragonchuu.com

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Oie! Faço desenhos digitais diversos ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Preços a partir de ✨DEZ REAIS✨ (ajuda eu)
Se estiver interessado(a) no meu trabalho, me segue :3 <3

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My commissions are open, if u interessed send a DM!
Here some exemples, hope u like it 🐒

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To abrindo um slot de ícone completo (com luz/sombra) por 50 reais pra poder pagar minha tatuagem, algum interessado? :'3

Exemplos da minha arte abaixo (faço qualquer espécie)

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Little Mush-Ball Of Power - Mel The Sorceress
(Drawn in 2018)

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Time dos Desenheiros !
Caso se Interesse em alguma dessas Artes nos Contate DM ✉

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Olá! Tenho um estilo puxado pra anime, se você se interessar, de uma olhada no meu Instagram que tem mais desenhos! https://t.co/S6kUSjLD3r

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"Royal Archeress"

She is the warrior who has a strong spirit and never gives up. The archeress sees the goal and achieves it step by step in her own way.

For the contest

0.06 ETH

🔗👇 Link is below

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