I designed a dress for Silvershine some time ago and now found a chance to use it :) It was tricky to colour it but it was a lot of fun anyways!✨

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So I tried drawing a human Silvershine and this was actually a lot of fun!✨

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I'm not great at basic portraits but tried very hard with this one, progressive layers of screen blend mode lights, masking, curving, soft lighting.. dancing Widdershins round the room (lol). "Close Distruction":

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art fight attack for !
Widdershins, don't be a jerk.

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Weekly reminder to volunteer for food prep/sharing w LA Food Not Bombs in Silver Lake, every Sunday, AKA today, starts 2:30 p.m., AKA now @ 1069 Sanborn Ave. Sharing starts ~7 p.m. @ Pershing Sq. DM us if you have any questions. Comrades & friends will get to SL ~2:30 today. 🥕✊

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Salome -Androgynous-(両性具有)




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If I ever give occasion to warrant gratitude, you shouldn't thank me. You should thank Ershin.

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✨🍄✨Fairy Rings, circles of toadstools that appear in fields, are said to be where the Fae dance. If you run 9 times around one at the full moon you will hear their music & singing - but beware, if you run widdershins (anticlockwise) you will be lost forever!

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I know everyones been refershing Twitter waiting for my generic floating head to show. Here you go!

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a cute lil clown kitty named whiskershins

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I realized I've never posted this here?

This funny nihilistic lad makes another appearance! A fusion between Jevil and Seam, their name is Widdershins thanks to @.shoefaced-gemini on Tumblr for suggesting fantastic names for them !

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*visibly shaking* blease read

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