I really dig it when the struggle of a character is deeply ties to the concept of "time", something that made their pain lasting longer than mundane human being, which result in their life, psychology, philosophy being isolated.

3 35

That's right🥰🥰✨✨

Is the correct answer🥰🥰✨✨

And I'm really sorry!!😢😢💦💦
I didn't mean to salt the wound😢😢💦💦

Because all the stamps of Fatamoru are available
I was happy to get together and sent a stamp, hoping that Izumi's unit could enjoy the stamp alone😢😢💦💦

0 1

A Thread on My Favorite The House in Fata Morgana Analysis. I highly recommend these for those who love this visual novel

63 181

If this art could sound, it would sound like Soldthedragon - Space of Tales.
Because of this music, I drew it.

0 12

Corpse bride and i accidentally put a funky filter that didnt look too bad 🦇🪦

47 84

Stamped with Primavera
I'm sorry that Michiru-chan is not implemented/( `〃¬〃)\💦

Buena, Fatamoru, Primavera I want to assemble someday🥰🥰❤️💙🧡✨✨✨

Athanasia songs are soothing
MV is also fantastic and attractive!!😍😍✨✨

Athanasia in your heart( `〃¬〃)r💖✨✨ww

0 1

i know it’s not super similar but kanade’s new ssr really reminds me of the maid LMAOOOOO

0 9

Izumi-chan's voice will definitely be added someday!!🥰🥰✨✨

I believe( *´`)💖✨

When that day comes, let's reassemble Fatamorgana with Yagami-chan, Asari-chan, and Izumi-chan💙💙💙✨✨✨

Your dream will come true
I'm by my side🥰🥰✨✨

Gently treat your wounds( *´`)/💖💖

0 1

Thanks for coming to the stream!!
I have finally finished Door 7 and now all that remains is the Final Door!
(I'll play the prequel to FataMoru off stream, but sequel on stream ^ A ^ ))
food time

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Apology Javi (no WIP but you get this adorable grumpy puppo boy instead 🏃)

7 37

I know I’m still in the “post credit love” for fatamoru but fr I think this game is an amazingly RAW narrative that is gonna stick with me for years 🥺😭 I can’t stop thinking about it. the characters and the emotions behind everything are just too good

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