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Genshin OC! I don't have a name for him yet, but he is from Shneznaya. He's an ex fatui alchemist/researcher, and he uses a bow. I might add more details to his outfit since it's still quite simple (and a bit too much like Kaeya's 😭)

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The tears of a frustrated angel, by opposing good, and having failed.

Congratulations to the star son of Nahida and the best Fatui. Thanks for joining us on this adventure. 💞

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happy birthday scara ✨

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It's just an hour to January 3rd, happy birthday to my favorite Fatui Lab Rat, Valentin 🥴🥴🥴

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a small drawing of the fatui, with this I finish my pending drawings for December and I will start working on more drawings of Freyja and the earrings that I have hehe

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"Маэстро Вельзевул велит то так, то этак
Клиенту корчиться на галстуке гнилом,
Он лупит башмаком по лбу марионеток:
Танцуй, стервятина, под ёлочный псалом!"

- Артюр Рембо " Бал повешенных"

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Разрисовывалась перед рисованием милоты. Умею практикую да✌

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Should have done this a long time ago! When to do it if not before the beginning of next year? Sparx got his place here!

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