so is a thing!? what?!

I’m Ana, a children illustrator who draws tiny animals 🌿 I’m also a crazy bird enthusiast

11 30

i think ive found my people 🥺

i just got my ipad recently so sadly i don't have more birb art than this but this is Iggy my green cheek :)

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Kale is not technically a bird, but a shape-shifting cockatrice, but whatever...

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Some of my bird illustrations.

If I could draw nothing else for the rest of my career I think I’d be ok with that.

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Thank you to for letting me know about this hashtag 👀

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I like to paint rare or extinct species to raise awareness! Three of these species are extinct and one is critically endangered--do you know which is which?

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I wanted to join in the fun with this ruby-throated hummingbird.

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Hello fellow bird enthusiast! I'm an animation artist and I love birds!
You can see more of my art on my Instagram.
Thank you
for creating this cute AF tag 😊

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I'm not a bird artist per ce, but I have been known to draw a birb from time to time 😉

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A tag for bird artists? Sign me up!🐦

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Oh my gosh - how did I miss the Best. Tag. Ever. I'm Klair and I draw murder birbs!

5 18

this is my dream hashtag!

I'm a science artist, and I draw a lot of birds. I usually do high-realism.

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Hello ! I love gryphons and avians of all sorts~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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I have made one (1) bird art.
Cute birb belongs to ♥️

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