70 227

Keep on thinking about why did I get Deja Vu while reading isu 15. Finally got the answer after reading back extra ep for the season 1 comic. The way Petir replies to Api is gave the same vibe as Gentar while bragging himself. Or maybe it's also Gempa since he's holding back. 😅

56 260

"Git stronk or git BONK!!!" 💥💫
-Boboiboy Gentar bin Amato, maybe... 🤔

Dunno bout you guys but his arms do lookin beefy 💪

52 154

Ayoo😳📸 Sleeveless Gentar?🔥

61 196

yey gentarrrr ehekss ❤️🧡

211 815

Guess who been replaying the galaxy card promo video non stop since ystrday—

Org lain sibuk gentar saya sini lukis frostfire //sweats

51 258

Gentar again? Anyone? Welp- OK

72 281

My first draw fanart Boboiboy ajkasjsjs

80 310

princess gentaro gets to wear dices shoes

59 220