It mustve been tense w/ Jenna and Felix after her kidnapping. Kraden may have been her only comfort in a traumatic time. I like to think for years later she felt a fondness for her old friend that she couldn't really explain, even if she gives him crap a lot.

106 205

Happy 20 years since the game that changed my life first came to North America.

20 33

Don't have anything new for this second round of since I've been busy as hell. Just gonna reshare the few old GS stuff I've made so far. Next year I hope I can draw more of it.

22 65

Happy Halloween, I don't usually celebrate it, but idk, just have the gang watching horror movies.

2 8

Day 30: Golden Sun X Shining

I'm a huge fan of both Golden Sun and the Shining series (Camelot's older work.) So I made this to celebrate both of them. :)

20 41

☀️Anniversary of Golden Sun - Dark Dawn☀️
(polished repost)

53 119

His gesture expresses the number of 11.

14 37

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn released October 28th, 2010 for Nintendo DS in Japan. Today is the 10th anniversary (at least from where I am tweeting). We fans are still waiting for the sequel to put an ending to a story that ended in a huge cliffhanger. Yes, I'm still salty.

24 65

page 14

twitter is rude and wont let me show the bouncy boy in the comic so its below. he gets all the attention as he should. also shoutout if you know whos the character in the background.

2 8

when Kraden lectures you on yet another piece of Weyard lore

17 50