well at least he understands Yubel!Johan is just Yubel LOL (sometimes I come across people who I swear think the personality is like, a darkJohan but it's just Yubel using his voice/body...) #GXwatch
The fact that they cut to the OP right here is such good directing like... this whole scene caught me genuinely off-guard, and they slap the OP right here to give suspense... a little too real, but so so good #GXwatch
wow this episode skips the last ep recap completely and starts off really dramatic and real........ surprised me, but good shit (because this is often the kind of stuff GX lets happen in the background on your assumption/late knowedge) #GXwatch
I must admit though I honest to god thought he was going to just take over the legitimate rest of this duel which would have been really interesting but that works too LOL... will he use the Cyber deck???!??? #GXwatch