神楽ちゃんの真似をして父の日にとりあえず黄色いモノを贈る総ちゃんが見たい妄想からの 💗
ちょっと !?
ほのぼの の1日😊💞

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-20th June, 2021-
Happy Father's Day!


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Dark blue silhouettes held hands while walking through the forest surrounded by dark blue leaves as an actual background.

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Happy Father’s Day! Groucho Marx would have made a great screwy squirrel in Zootopia. *smiles*
Father’s Day song here: https://t.co/hnN3X4kkR6
by the-acorn-bunch here: https://t.co/JRoMwp2cOw

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出だしからアメリカっぽいエピソード満載で面白かった、ちゃっかり父に渡す前に読破しました📘 ⚾️ https://t.co/820rSqT4Qa

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Nick and his Daughter Lucy Nick is a great father and takes good care of his daughter👨‍👧 part 2

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Nick and his Daughter Lucy Nick is a great father and takes good care of his daughter👨‍👧 part 1

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