is, in many ways, like a blessing and a curse. I only realised recently the ways it’s been detrimental to my learning as an artist over the years but the silver lining of hyperfocus is that you can catch up in good time! ✨

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Ok Ill jump on this wagon is either me hyperfocusing on one singular drawing until my eye lids give up of just scrolling through pinterest wanting to do everything that is there in 3 minutes

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Mainstream ADHD artist representation? We love to see it <3
Hiiii I'm Kyley and I hyperfocus on drawing hedgehogs n' stuff for fun

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Hey call me Dream! I draw arts and concepts that either never get finished or that I hyperfocus on for hours at a time while I forget to eat and drink! Feast your eyes!

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hi im asia and i have severe adhd but when i draw the ✨hyperfocus✨ is real 🤪

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so glad to have a tag that gives us a shoutout! most of these were finished in rare bouts of hyperfocus lol

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For me, means i /have/ to finish a piece as fast as possible,bcs i am impatcient. I rarely or never use refs and usually draw from memory, and when i hyperfocus on art i forget everything around me for hours until my piece is done😅

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Tw: blood, nudity
To me is hyperfocusing on a thing, but also not being able to stick to one style or subject. Sometimes you could even ask yourself "is that the same artist?" Yes, it is 😬

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hiiii my adhd half the time makes me hyperfocus on my art and half the time unable to draw at all x__x

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hi i’m clover!!
i’m a nb lesbian with adhd and autism and when the stars align i like to hyperfocus on a drawing

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Ey my art process is a mess, I have unfinished wips in the double digits cause I can’t stop starting new projects, and I either hyperfocus on drawing for 6+ hours without food/bathroom breaks OR I can only draw for 20 minutes before I get bored✌️✨

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oh hi there! i'm kat, i love painting and ! hyperfocus is my secret superpower : ^ )

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hey i'm cinna, i never post my work here and need an art blog, but guess who keeps forgetting 🙃
sometimes its hard to concentrate on finishing one thing, before hopping to the next, but i hyperfocus and go all out on my storyboards! (sometimes too much lmao)

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OOH we’re talking about

I have a huge collection of unfinished WIPS and sketches, hyperfocus on the same few themes but also cycle through different interests, and can take months to finish one painting (if I finish it at all; I’m working on getting better!) 😅

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often I draw quickly as a way to work with having a short attention span, but when hyperfocus hits.... woog

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hiiii im Jessi and I hyperfocus on my drawings to finish them in a single sitting because theyd never get done otherwise!!

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i hyperfocused for 15 hours to create the first two images (most of those hours were spent sluggishly staring at the screen, absolutely sleep deprived)

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being autistic doesn't help either i either hyperfocus or i can't understand anything people are saying no inbetween

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Guess I'd better jump on this before I get distracted. I am a self-trained cartoonist that struggled with undiagnosed ADHD until my adulthood. I have a passion for animation and someday, I hope to actually FINISH something. Here are some results of Hyperfocus.

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lmao these are all kinda old, but that's just bc I start a drawing and then either completely hyperfocus on finishing it or get distracted every ten minutes while sketching there is no in-between

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