illyana yana eureka hydatos moment

1 4 a character beat, just as her ability to recognize that in *this* instance, the "hero" team is in the wrong.

More than any other New Mutant, Illyana is defined by a moral greyness.

Perhaps for more than any student, Erik's presence at the mansion and redemption means...

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Everyone's uniform matched except for Sprite and Illyana and that's because their looks are iconic 🥰

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I am always perplexed by people who say Illyana is out of character when she's caring or acting goofy. Like all people, she's multi-layered. I don't know if I'm alone, but I enjoy seeing her be more than just a badass fighter.

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Back at the Mansion, Kitty and Illyana's continued fucking-around-with-spacetime-and-finding-out goes on, the two gifted with birds eye views of the fight–and its members similarity to Kitty's Fairytale–below.

Kitty tries to riff on Wizard of Oz, but Shagreen is simply not...

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Illyana was so jealous oh my god fhdjdj let them be girlfriends marvel please!!!

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...also perceives and aged version of Illyana (which makes no sense?) but is distracted by screams in the distance.

The man finds three of the Savage Land tribeswomen as prey to a T-Rex, but struggles to enter his organic steel form following his rumination on Anya's rejection.

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...would be the damsel herself, even if I'm pretty certain that Kurt is canonically dating his sister at this point in the Run.

Back at the mansion, Kitty and Illyana's attempts to bring Kurt home seem to be making headway as Kitty excitedly activates the interdimensional...

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...for Kurt to break loose (with the additional support of a well-timed tail bite by Lockheed).

Even as most of his interactions have been confined to Kitty or Illyana (or Madelyne Pryor, hilariously left to babysit him on more than one occasion), Lockheed just *works* as...

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two kitty and illyana doodles from today,,,, i just love them

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Illyana is not intimidated by Magneto, Norse Dragons, Thor, or Eternity & Infinity. I love her confidence.

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...all, wasting no time in calling in the cost of Illyana's rejection and murdering her in cold blood in front of the team.

Sometimes as a clinician, I have to suspend my disbelief at the trauma superheroes endure in their day to day–but I simply couldn't dismiss the horror...

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...uses the Beyonder as an examination of heroism–and just what it means to do the "right" thing.

There's always great parallelism between Illyana and Rachel (Kitty *has* a type), and so the decision to use Rachel in the pages of Uncanny to explore heroism and how her traumas...

0 4 even larger demon than before rends part of Kitty's soul from her to create the fourth bloodstone for the Beatrix Medallion.

Despite having fallen under the Beyonder's suggestion, Illyana is still very much herself, with the same connections and desires to be good...

0 2 (?!), offering the New Mutants the issue's titular salvation.

Claremont recently (and notoriously) explicitly defined Illyana as evil in an AMA and while I disagree with the take, it adds a new layer to chilling serenity she's overcome by after the Beyonder's touch.

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...her ascension. Purged of Limbo's influence over her soul, Illyana's SoulSword manifests before Kitty, just as a demon spawns in the middle of the library.

Even when she's not a featured cast member, Kitty's influence remains present in the book as a motivator for Illyana's...

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There are a lot of confusing aspects to X-history, but I have to say the Margali/Amanda/Soul Sword/Belasco/Illyana stuff might be at the top of the list for me. I can never keep all this backstory straight!

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Illyana's time growing up in Limbo or an Illyana and Kate story.

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on god illyana im going to shove u out the closet

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...the surveilling Warlock from Loki's assault.

In an unintentionally metatextual (but, arguably tragic pointing to her later Fall), Illyana decries the act, regarding herself as the only one who matters.

In fairness to Illyana–she has quite literally been written as such...

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