As expected of me, I already love his personality😁💚 I hope I can finally get to know this man. Also, there were times when Leez could laugh like that as well, my boy…

0 8

Yeah, I'm thankful for the regenerative powers of that bracelet but damn, her body's already changed

0 9

This pisses me off so freaking much🤬🤬

0 9

Fuck, hi Rao, the only person I'm more curious about than GKubera🖐 Seriously tho, Rao's face and book are some of the first things we see in the beginning of and we know so little about him even tho his presence has been affecting the story throughout various characters

0 8

Someone, huh… hahaha… ha… Is it Leez, Rao or both

0 8

Aww, Ananta🥰🥰 but yeah, Kubera and the others don't know that Kinnara gave the name "Kinnara" away so they might be in trouble

0 9

Yeeeaah, it's a lil awkwaaaard💀

0 8

Okay now I see why Garuda is against Ananta and I'm so happy that he has a genuine reason and he's not necessarily on Indra's side per se. I was afraid this convo would expose him as a piece of garbage but thankfully not, this is so much deeper than that

0 8

Yeah, it's absolutely insane but I still am not completely sure about what exactly can he do and what are the limitations of his abilities

0 8

I'm sorry, my boy but maybe he has a good reason? I really really hope he has a good fucking reason

0 7

I think he's on Indra's side… but why? I already didn't have a good impression of him back when Maruna and Ran were fighting but it wasn't a terrible impression either. I'm gonna be lowkey upset if Garuda was a piece of garbage all this time😔😔

0 8

Omg, that almost gave me a heart attack, wth!! Thank goodness Ananta interfered

0 8

I actually think it might be better to just reveal his identity to him at this point but I dunno if that may have potential repercussions for the future

0 8

Okay, this may seem contradictory at first given what we know but thinking about everything that's happened so far and especially the stuff with Leez, I think this is one of the truest statements he ever made in his whole life

0 10

Goosebumps! I'm so glad that somebody said that to Yama after that bs he heard from Indra🥰🥰 Also, I feel like that last panel will be a very important piece in understanding Kubera as a character

0 8

Yeeeaah… but unlike Indra, I actually expect future developments from him

0 7

I wonder if she is holding out more bc she gave the name "Kinnara" away🤔🤔

0 9

Ooh, what are these wolf-like creatures(?) that Yama is controlling👀

0 8

Ngl, even I feel a lil nervous

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