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Looking for some escapist fiction? What if Napoleon had wound up in North America? https://t.co/pA4vGUn6W4 #escapism #whatif #quarantinereads #napoleoninamerica
Marlúcia eh uma leonina muito calma que adora uma laranja. foi desenvolvida ao lado de minha querida amiga @amineralspirit num desafio aleatório aki em ksa
@HumoristanOrg Imprescindible es ‘El Invierno del dibujante’, @paco_roca, que refleja la realidad de los 50 en #Bruguera, refugio de represaliados por el fraquismo pero con condiciones leoninas de trabajo. Escobar, Cifré, Peñarroya... intentarán montar otra revista, ‘Tio Vivo’ y ganar derechos.
Another flea market, another Érié sketches !
#nautilebleu #esther #erie #comicstrip #feline #leonine
Super Lua em Leão ✨ 🌔
A Lunação Aquariana chega no seu ápice. O Sol em Aquário e a Lua leonina se complementam nos dando a coragem para a autenticidade de ser quem somos, nos cercando de autoconfiança, otimismo, brilho pessoal e orgulho.
My leonin is part orc so have something else for #Orctober
A bust of leonin Planeswalker 'Ajani Coldmane' (Goldmane) from 'Magic: The Gathering'.
#ajani #goldmane #feline #cat #ajanigoldmane @ChannelFireball #magic #magicthegathering #mtg #wizards #wotc #card #comic #cartoon #comicstrip #game #cardgame #wizardsofthecoast @jimdgmiles
Linda just completed a New Original Pen & Ink Drawing. Price $40~. This Signed original includes Matt/Backer. #likeit #artist #happy #likeforlikes #follow #art #fun #wow #love #artwork #artistsofig #like #artforsaleoninstagram #love #cute #arte #iger #penandinkart #originalart
Linda just completed a New Original Watercolor Painting. Signed original includes Matt&Backer, in a plastic resealable bag $40. #likeit #likeforlikes #follow
#art #artist #fun #wow #artforsaleoninstagram #artwork #love #artistsofig #arte #happy #flamingos #flamingosofinstagram
At Linda McQuinn Art Studios, Linda has these Original Oil Paintings 24x36, Gallery Wrapped. Offered for Sale at a Reduced price of $800each. These Artist Signed originals works of Art. #twitterarthouse #art #artist #artforsalebyartist #artforsaleoninstagram
At Linda McQuinn Art Studios, Linda has these Original Oil Paintings 24x36, Gallery Wrapped for Sale at a Reduced price of $800each. These Artist Original works of Art. #twitterarthouse #art #artist #artforsalebyartist #artforsaleoninstagram
At Linda McQuinn Art Studios, Linda has these Original Oil Paintings 24x36, Gallery Wrapped. Offered for Sale at a Reduced price of $800each. These Artist Signed originals works of Art. #art #artist #artforsalebyartist #artforsaleoninstagram
I got your attention, Watercolor, 14cm x 20cm
#portraitpainter #girlportrait #portraitartist #artforsaleoninstagram #customportrait #etsysellers #watercolorofinstagram #watercolorportrait #portraitstudy #aboriginalpainting #femaleportrait #asianp… https://t.co/iL6vjb6jl3