Have you heard the song "I wanna ruin our friendship" ?
Well I just thought this fits to Jigen perfectly uvu 🌟

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🌌🚬A beautiful view, isn't it, Lupin?<3

34 127

¿Cuál es la mejor chaqueta de Lupin y porque es la rosa?💮

7 17

I made jigoe fanart bc some times you don’t see your man’s eyes enough and every glimpse is a gift

5 8

TVシリーズ/#峰不二子という女/#LUPINTHE3RD シリーズ の配信情報 最新版をお届けします👁‍🗨✨


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121 527

Shit day
So good time to drawing fluff things with confort characters


2 5

Here's the Lupin III print that I I wasn't able to post before! I made for last Feb's Komiket convention ; v ; Lupin and Jigen! I miss this series and I need to do some re-watching again ; v ; 💖💖💖

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