Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit, 1960

10 47

Potiphar's wife unsuccessfully tries to seduce Joseph (Genesis XXXIX, 7 9), 1956

5 41

Pintura & Cine

- Marc Chagall - 1918 - 'Sobrevolando la ciudad'
- "Sexy Beast" (J. Glazer, 2000)
- "El extraño caso de Angélica" (M. de Oliveira, 2010)

0 1

Marc Chagall, Before the Easel (An der Staffelei) from My Life (Mein Leben), 1922, publsihed 1923

2 13

Study to "Song of Songs III", 1960

8 37

Marc Chagall, The Carnival. Study for backdrop for Scene II of the ballet Aleko, 1942

10 29

Self Portrait with a Palette, 1955

19 109


🖼️ Field of Mars
🎨 Marc Chagall
📅 1954-1955
🏛️ Museum Folkwang // Essen, Germany

2 4

Then the boy was displayed to the Dervish..., 1948

5 16

Mounting the ebony horse..., 1948

28 101

Moses receiving the Tablets of Law, 1963

7 32