Ayano de Mekakucity Actors for sure

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Character: Mary Kozakura
Anime: Mekakucity Actors

☆ by Leclle

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Shinato Kisaragi (Kagerou Project / Mekakucity Actors)

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Kenric is here with his 'deceiving eyes.'

Thinking about it, I probably should have dressed another character as Kano Shuuya from Kagerou Project/Mekaku City Actors but it's too late now.

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recently finished mekakucity actors and i just had to draw my faves 💜💙🖤

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Enrolei pra terminar pq tava farmando nos videos-jogos da vida (e vendo One Piece), mas finalmente terminei minha fanart da Ene de Kagerou Project :D 💙

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today i realized i dont need to try too hard to remember the mekakushi dan’s hair styles because almost everyone just has a center bang

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lmao does anyone else remember when mekakucity actors was airing and we all expected to be absolutely broken by ayano's theory of happiness and instead we got this monstrosity... idk it's been 6 years and this thing still haunts my dreams

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Now I think that I must really wrong about hearing this voice
Since it had sounded just like me
“Hey do you wanna try and survive?”

🎶 Jin - Headphone Actor

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Meme? I guess, ft. Ene from kagepro a.k.a mekaku city actors

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