We'll finally be finishing the Nido lines this week! Def one of my fave pokemon lines from gen one.

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Still wish I would've done more with the bg on these but it still came out cute so I'm fine with them.

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I wanted to post Solgaleo by himself bc LOOK AT HIM HOW DID I DO THAT

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I love making similar pokemon match. This will be fun to do in the future.

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Day 839

Missed opportunity? maybe.
Do I still love him to death? YES.

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Day 838

I friggen love this cartoony frick.
Who woulda thought they could jam so much personality into a mine cart LOL

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I really cant wait till the male nidoran line is up too so y'all can see em back to back.

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Day 826

I love how we now have a superhero and supervillain ladybug in Ledian and Orbeetle.
highkey really like this dude's design

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Kinda wish I would've added more effects in the bg but I think she's still cute.

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