We’re here for another Once more, we’re looking at images of a supposed dead cryptid, not a live animal. I refer to the MINNESOTA ICEMAN, the claimed carcass of a recently deceased hominid implied to be a ‘prehistoric man’ or creature…

119 447

It’s time once more for a But this one isn't a review of a photo or film, but a walk-through of a exhibition. I’m talking about Monsters of the Deep, my new exhibition at the National Maritime Museum, Falmouth, Cornwall ()...

68 266

Maybe the fly just couldn't see where he was landing.

5 14

😎Day12 in 's shopping spree supporting fellow on I'm in❤with 's new CRYPTOMECHA(Z)series check it bought &

🔥Grab my NFTs for tmw's drop😉👊https://t.co/y6uEwVf1vf

5 33


0 1

it’s been nearly 3 years since i’ve left this style behind, solely for the antlered wolf series, and it’s still my most requested style for work

why is it that compelling? am i blind? do i need to see an optometrist? (again?)

1 15

Nouveau OC en approche 👀
Ils appartiendront au lore des Calyptomena, et ils seront du côté antagoniste.

C'est également 3 membres d'un gang (dont je n'ai toujours pas trouvé de nom 🙈) et il devrait y avoir 3 autres OC qui devraient rejoindre cette fine équipe :p

3 12

Microbiology. Optometry.

Anyway, get HD quality cartoon pictures of you or your loved ones💜 drawn for as low as N500 only! (this low-price discount offer will only last for a limited time).

Just send a DM saying "I want a cartoon picture"

You'll receive yours within 24 hours

1 2

Did you see Baep’s bag?

Inspired by Baepsae x Mic Drop by BTS! Mayhaps I need to take Baep to the optometrist?

5 26

Hi I draw my characters. Digital art has been really difficult for me lately due to ongoing migraines from screens, but these are some pieces I’m particularly proud of. (I need to get new glasses but my optometrist quoted me $470+ for a new pair wtf 🙃)

12 19

hi i'm seika! i'm 19 years old (20 in november) and am a healthcare studies major for optometry! she/her, heterosexual and have been w my bf for 2.5 years♡ i sing and do graphic design, as well as play gbf and ffxiv! i also like memes and smiling kk slider

nice to meet you all! https://t.co/0CHZYeCNV7

0 15

🦶 problem with your teeth, you see a dentist.
problem with your eyes, you see an optometrist.
problem with your feet, who you gonna call?.... A
We deal with many foot problems and can assess and treat accordingly.

152 75

now I just have to wait for optometrists to start opening up...

0 4

I'm still trying to explain to people that liking furry stuff doesn't mean I wanna bang their mother's chihuahua.

If you look at those two things and see the same picture, you should see an optometrist.

1 5

แฟนอ้าตฟิคพิ่บีม ตอน little poultry ฮะ คือมันดีมากทุกคน TT ควรค่าแก่การตำ ใครยังไม่อ่านไปอ่านกันเถอะะ คุณภาพมาก😭😭

53 88

I've put some charts together I'd like to share with you.

6 10

La histèria col·lectiva —també psicosi col·lectiva o comportament obsessiu col·lectiu— és el fenomen sociopsicològic que comprèn la manifestació de símptomes iguals o similars per més d’una persona, com ara creure que estan patint una malaltia similar.


90 208

Gisterenavond gehoord vanuit de vriendenkring:
Familielid vertoont symptomen van belt de huisarts en wordt NIET getest.

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