8) Soul x Maka, Soul Eater. This is going back a while, but Soul Eater was one of the first anime shows I got into, and thus these two were one of my first otps (with the exception of SoKai!) Art by rasu-chi on dA!

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on_the_rocks rasuと誰かが歌ってみた。 https://t.co/O7k47CoOcL

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The K4-RASU (K4-Rogue Aerial Systems Unit)

hopefully some movement studies and detailed sketches of some parts soon to come

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【2018年05月27日(大阪)|第18回壁外調査博(進撃の巨人 オンリー)】イラスト:rasu(錆)様|告知サイト:https://t.co/WPZTN3TSrw

157 289

practising overhead views a little more ;a;;

karas probbaly got angry and threw rasu-kun or smthing

"Go get him!"

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