1. Torahiko Ooshima, from Morentasu

Morentasu was literally what made me a furry, it was my first Gay Furry media, or gay media in general tbh, that I ever indulged in back when I was a teen. Tora kinda set the standard for what I like in guys. Himbos. He's perfect. I love him.

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I've got a few I could share!

Varis Goltorah is a lawful-evil high-elf fighter, specializing in arcane archery. A cocky mercenary, he gracefully blends long-range sniping with flourishing swordplay.

He used to be city watch, but was discharged after being caught taking bribes.

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If you kill people, that makes you a bad guy. But if you kill enemies, that makes you a hero.

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Happy birthday Kazu bb 🐯😭•

"If you kill someone, that makes you a villain. But if you kill your enemy, that makes you a hero".

He’s holding kitty Baji 🥲

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