//=time() ?>
I'll always be with you by fdevita - https://t.co/c4y7kCJxH0 #LifeisStrange🦋
After some self-doubt about this piece in general, I've finally started working on it properly again! Here you can see background shadows without and with the background.
I'm really hoping to have it done either today or tomorrow.
#ChloePrice #LifeIsStrange #workinprogress
Специально для Котяни (°▽°)/
#lis #lifeisstrange #katemarsh #maxcaufield #myart #fanart
Life Is Strange: Spirit Animals (Redraw) by Shimazun - https://t.co/qY5tJZ3c7u #LifeisStrange🦋
Chloe HELLA! by ValerieOS - https://t.co/6Xo4f6OVeO #LifeisStrange🦋
Max DABOSS by ValerieOS - https://t.co/6Xo4f6OVeO #LifeisStrange🦋
My Little Pony: Life is Strange by CalicoPikachu - https://t.co/XPK3U7odMH #LifeisStrange🦋
I painted it :D #LifeIsStrange #ChloePrice #MaxCaulfield
First 4 requests for people who give me comic review of
“OW-Instinct & Original work-Light Night” on Plurk!!
LIS-Amberprice for Neiigal
LIS-Amberpricefield for 靈鼠
Thor: Ragnarok-Hela for 魔耶
OC of Youyakidan-Kaoru & Chiaki for Kiba
#LifeisStrange #ThorRagnarok