画質 高画質

Do you know Thai crepe is very fragile~ :3


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I`m gonna go eat crepes after work and play vanguard T7T

11 31

Kind of surprised I never uploaded this here!

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This is older but Green Tea a good example of how i can't leave designs alone, they all have to be ocs!

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Drawing Kaleif from time to time is my passion

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Lucius and Roody have grown so much from being completely different designs

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Rosemary may seem mean, but thats only because she is <3

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Alfredo's pallet is gonna change I think, but its still gonna be basically this

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大阪天満駅側のクレープ屋さん「Crepeあまのじゃく」様とちっちゃくないもんっ!のコラボが決定しました!少し先になりますが詳細は追ってお伝え致します! https://t.co/n2JsmLbm6L

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大阪天満駅側のクレープ屋さん「Crepeあまのじゃく」様とちっちゃくないもんっ!のコラボが決定しました!少し先になりますが詳細は追ってお伝え致します! https://t.co/n2JsmLbm6L

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堀江貴文(TakafumiHorie)「テリヤキスト園山 真希絵さんのBREIZH Cafe CREPERIE Le Comptoir恵比寿店(ブレッツカフェ クレープリー ル コントワール)への記事」

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Ewan ko kung pansin pero effective naman yung crepe.

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Lorian and Lothric get an icecream crepe aka a dark souls AU where not everything is awful

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Strawberry Crepe 🍓
หิวดึกๆมั้ย ;w; 5555555

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Just want to paint something sweet.
I'm craving for crepes already... /A\

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Tonight at 7pm. Eastern Cafe has crepes, beer, gelato, coffee, and now Enfu! I'll be there… https://t.co/kTOQlPzZe5

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But I'm crepe. I'm a weirdough. What the hell am I doughing here? I donut belong here. (via )

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クレープを食べに行きましょう!Let's go eat crepes! ٩(。•ㅅ•。)و


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