画質 高画質

Drew with snow app's filter... *gasp* He's an angel! //literally/ ♥️

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Bored and did a request from my insta, a chibi
and a lil blushed

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doodled an extremely handsome boi
because i love one of his new selfies and tbh? its

6 15

Can't get anything right omg
Repost number 3

3 15

Darkiplier and AntiSepticeye! Two of my favorite YouTubers!

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"I love senpai, yes I do! He's for me, not for you!!!"

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i drew you for the first time! I also heard you lost these glasses after i finished... xD

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, recently rewatched your date with markiplier vid and got an awesome idea! if you couldn't guess i like chocolate the best 😃

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