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I just had to quickly redraw this pic of Damiano David as Molly 😌

29 167

There apart of me belive that this is what Damian sees when he got punched by Anya

26 304

Congrats Damian on Debuting in Anime

2 10

Damian: "Ela tá tão na minha"
Anya: Credo...

(Essa cena foi demais 😅)

45 365

ooo congrats! Any of my guys would be awesome to see in your style <3 here are a few <3
Top left: Drakaris my MC
top right: Damian
bottom left: Tsune
bottom right: Paledreo

0 1

Believe it or not, this is the start of a cute ship XD.

12 110

Anya socando o Damian, esse é o tweet.

14 115

Hoje adaptaram o Capítulo 8 de SpyxFamily, e eu gostei muito, ficou bom dmsss, e tbm adaptaram a pedra no sapato da Anya, vai ser muito bom ver o desenvolvimento desses dois

7 39

Teoricamente es así, la relación de Damián y Anya es igual que Shaoran y Sakura(solo que no hay Yukito), lo demás es casi igual

122 981

damian crying 😍😍😍😍

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