画質 高画質

「la luce nella notte」より「ステラ・エーコ」

18 128

Fenella is a bit of a grab-bag of ideas. Part wanting to do a water-themed character, part wanting desperately to have a character with visual asymmetry, and also something something masochism, ballet boots and visors. No idea of how popular she is, or even how she fits in.

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87 250

Nella vita ho raggiunto la certezza che le catastrofi servono a evitarci il peggio.
E il peggio è proprio aver trascorso la vita senza naufragi,è essere sempre rimasti alla superficie delle cose.
L’autunno, spogliando i rami, lascia vedere il cielo.


🎨Martin Vidal

14 39

3341 days and counting! Almost 10 years into my amazing pairing with my amazing friend Nella 🥰 Thank you for always being such a great friend. https://t.co/AsgheA2A77

4 28

...se noi non avessimo amato...io credo non spunterebbe una foglia in primavera...grande Wilde, bellissima citazione cara Antonella❤️💖🧡😘e una meraviglia la cara amica BPom a te e amici
William Dyce

6 12


11/20(金) 21時!

Sound's Deli

BIG FAF(Flat Line Classics)
City of Garbage



0 1

gli affreschi dipinti tra il 1564 e il 1566 da Giovanni Battista Zelotti nella Villa Emo a Fanzolo di Vedelago ( ), gioiello costruito su progetto del Palladio.

Preziose stanze abitate da anatomie immortali, vivaci colori e infinita raffinatezza.

155 628


Ft. Cornella

4 31

Alicization Lycoris Visual Collection. Sinon and Administrator [Quinella].

5 18

some alt design things for lunella 🌙 since her paw leggies didn't fit her overall design imo
her body is meant to be cloudy pjs with oversized sleeves, but it kinda makes her look fancy w a cravat lol

6 29

Happy We've got a new paper by John Scannella () on a new chasmosaurine premaxilla from the Hell Creek Formation for you to enjoy today. https://t.co/a2JNDKIlLE

23 52

“paradiso nella mia mente”

25 100

When life is hard - and oh it can be hard sometimes - we need to be like Prunella... Prunella celebrates the tiny little joys of everyday - today she’s flying the flag for coffee! Prunella has a special reusable cup and makes sure her jumper and coffee cosy are always matching!

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"Legami contro il tempo" è l'opera di nella mostra internazionale "The looking-glass and through it" al Museo d'arte XX e XXI secolo di organizzata con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura

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"An empowering youth-unifying guide to realising a global green revolution" , Expert Reviewer

Enjoy this by Valentina Giannella, Lucia Esther Maruzzelli, illustrated by ,


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Hydrangea macrophylla & Seven Spot ladybird (Cocinella septempunctata) Most hydrangeas have sterile flowers, so don’t produce pollen/nectar. But, if you leave their huge flower heads on during the winter, they make fab over-wintering homes 4 insects. https://t.co/ofeFqflx2E

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Fiori nella brocca

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