画質 高画質

2019/7/25 (木) 郡山♯9
サブキャラ大集合 20回記念Special

👨‍🚀ながいせんせ (zanpan, mashiro)
👨‍🔬ヨコヤマユウヤ (TAKAHIKO)
🧛‍♂️タシモリューセー (THE GREENBACK, the LaLa, ポピ)
🧕ぶん (ピローマン, seven divided classification)
🐩小川ポメラニアン(Insane camas)
and more...

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When ever I make something for a bookbox, I forget to post the art after the month passes. This one is very late. Sorry guys! Here is "Bridge the Divide" I did for from Strange the Dreamer by

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In the far corner of the room, Peach stood with the other children. She had her arms around the twins, and they each had a protective hand on the shoulders of the boys. But they all remained silent.

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今回紹介するカードは”純情の赤い炎”《キュアルージュ》です! 条件付きではあるものの、敵軍ターンまでパワーアップを持ち越せる場持ちの良いユニットです。《キュアレモネード》との相性も良く、このリンクはリリースから今でも使われ続けるコンボです!#DIVIDE_CTU

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Enough of this vs nonsense ; they're both adorable fluffy bois who deserve all of our undivided love 🐑💕🐑


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today on zero time dilemma, we see the fundamental divide between and when it comes to things not really mattering

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Pokemon Sword and Shield currently has fans divided... let's talk about why you should still be looking forward to it! 👀👉 https://t.co/PVNJjMXtyd

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Looking west from HWY 24 Summit in Divide

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1. 나누어진 혼돈의 연금
[Divided Alchemistic]
앙리 1세의 명령으로 만들어진
최강의 아이템인 혼돈의 연금
하지만 둘로 갈라지면서
이 모든 혼란은 시작된다.

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I made some researches! It appears Black Eagles is the most proficient house for mages, therefore it's perfect for Ivaylo!
Also, apparently magic is divided in Faith and Reason.
I can already say my boy will be more for Reason Magic.

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El dolor de la frontera
“Fronteras que dividen ciudades que podrían ser mundos.”
El artículo que escribe esta semana para habla de esas fronteras impuestas por los poderosos.
Y esta es mi ilustración.

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'Sketch Batch 03'

Divided this batch in two pics since there where too many for a single canvas.


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⛔️ Since I never had a Twitter account when I first started making memes, I'll go ahead and post 'em up here.

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by day 13 (I missed 2 days but I'll catch up) this time trying an other process and I divided my time limit by 2, still looking okay I guess 🤔

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Valeri Chateau
<<予価 2000円>>

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