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With coming up soon, we thought that it would be cool to make some cards of our own, too. Send them to your friends, colleagues, pets, partners, Mooncake plushies...anybody!

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Esse é o , O canal dele me inspira muitas vezes pra desenhar e até aprender. Me admira que ele consegue trazer o conteúdo dele toda semana assim. Ele sempre me lembrou DEMAIS o personagem de Final space, Gary, só faltava agir como, Então dediquei a ele xD

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Adding to the creation list, here's the Avocato Ventrexian Bounty Hunter ship with makeshift Avocato Mini-figure. 2 days and 253 pieces later! What should I make next?

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Dawno nie było pixelków, nie? No to lecą niczym Mooncake przez kosmos. Work in progress.

Możliwe, że będzie reszta. Ciastuś na pewno. Wrzucę ich wszystkich w jakieś ładne otoczenie. Tak, taki mam plan :o

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Hi, my name's Josh and I spent way too much time making color coded Avocato icons. Anyone can use 'em, just gotta say who made them.

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(nose creo que a este bro le gusta comer pelos de gato o algo)

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I have been working on this for AGES in so glad to finally be able to show it off the color looks off because its a gif and some of it is a bit choppy and unnatural but over all I'm very proud of it and I hope you like it to

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So Procreate has a recording software ❤️ I haven’t posted much due to pneumonia so enjoy this🐈

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