画質 高画質

I get lots of hateful&racist reactions to how I draw But who cares! POC Harry is beautiful

4 27

POC fans and LGBT fans deserve better than what the has to offer. DARE TO DEFY TROPES

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of the week: Princess Love Pon by ! Yay for POC magical girls https://t.co/OWU2NWiKD5

12 27


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I was going to type up a clever excuse as to why I drew this...but I don't have one.

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うへへ、Palnart Pocのピアス買ってしまった\(^ω^)/

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Our little turkey POC is up. Have a play - the gibs really are giblets! (local 2p) https://t.co/fSuIUwgKFA

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PoC that are rightfully participating in make up more than 13%

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Illustrator on visiting her grandparent's homeland. Coming soon on http://t.co/tFCcpwzHMd

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★更新のお知らせ★Palnart Pocの新作29点をまとめて公開中です。今回もPalnart Pocらしい楽しい仲間を沢山ご紹介中!是非ご覧ください。【http://t.co/QrNUpucrlP

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Video games without people of color are not 'neutral' http://t.co/uETLZ9Qify

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普段はハンドメイドのアクセサリーばかりだけど、今日はお気に入りのPalnart Pocでクラリスのネックレスとワールドのバングルを購入(❁´ω`❁)

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A Hijabi Hobbit by Myisha (http://t.co/c4prLrOJv9) , POC from Middle Earth.

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i love the golden trio so here ya go (viva la poc harry and hermione)

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Palnart pocさんの鹿の角ピアスを購入と雑貨屋でアンティーク風写真入れと葉っぱ柄のお皿を買いました(*¯艸¯)

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Palnart Pocのアクセがかわゆすすぎて…これはサヤエンドウモチーフのブローチだって(=゚ω゚)ノNEWSのコンサートにつけていきたい♩

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