画質 高画質

hfskjfd i might as well post this here too

44 135

Thank you to https://t.co/C3MeKtam6a for letting me borrow their John and Martin designs for this piece! Illustration is based off of a scene from Ch. 13 of their (excellent) fic https://t.co/AAQRNEZ3Z8

20 50

(tma spoilers) i love these creepy boyfriends.........

175 368

[cw : body horror, scopophobia]

so the magnus archives huh....that shit rules

39 151

I can’t get The Magnus Archives out of my head, so here is some fan art of our dear Archivist Jonathan Sims.

4 56

Some kiiiinda spoilery headcanons ;0
(Please listen to this podcast if u like horror I beg of u)

2 10

I have no justification for this beyond Elias in shadows is fun to draw LOL

1 13

Ahh, I guess since I at least have this picture ready to go, this is the request image of Tim kayaking. Finally finished! \o/

28 58

Jonathan Sims study/speedpaint I did while binging Magnus Archives today. It’s so good guys. So good.

67 333

Monster dasira content maybe somebody asked for!!
Also wanted to let y’all know im currently in spain, covered in sand and salt, with very little wifi, so I won’t be around as frequently :>

30 85

TMA outfit request per and . They're now on their seventh divorce and Elias is running off with his Archivist.

4 45

More doodles!! This time Gertrude, Elias, Melanie and Daisy. A frustrated Georgie and of course disaster Jon. My goal is to draw Jon more and more disheveled as the seasons go on.

((Cross-posting yes, but I'm in deep and I love them all.))

80 287

The entity known as 'Michael' from on

1 4

trypophobia warning

half of any joke I make are just putting characters in graphic t-shirts. anyways Prentis wore this outside of Martin's apartment, prove me wrong

8 36

jonathan sims fanart because ive been listening to this podcast for 3 days straight.... he's so stressed....

7 29