Thank you all for joining the Art Contest! Amazing work! Congrats to 1st - @NikkiKaji 2nd - @ObesityKid 3rd - @TragicVr 4th - @TTVEmmyyChan . Thank you @NasuAmayaArts @loganpittart for participating! >< you all are amazing <3 Arigato!
Skipping with Ame .🔍🔱🐔
I learn many japanese words today, arigatou kiara sensei❤️
@bubbleteaporin BIAAAAAA!!! Fico muito feliz, honrado e grato de receber seus parabéns e elogios em relação à minha arte!!! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!! 😊
art work 定期
@CKZR28 @cutekenmakozume @mangan8r @itsYaBoiZeref @aaditya93162015 @AJ_GeekVibes @JovanMurillo @fricanWeeb @regalia81 @Grassyassassin1 @roxxsas2 @CadeShanley @uwu_weebo @DylanMo28176836 @Leichaa Thank you bro, thank you ! Arigatōgozaimashita! 🙏
Happy #Thanksgiving everyone!
I just want to say: Arigato to all my fanyu friends and my Yuzu Yo Koi family that didn't let me freak out this year!
May the kuyashii force be with us!
Ci💕🦃 #YuzuruHanyu #YuzuYoKoi🌸
@omochigomee AAaaaa Dont itashimention it ー ! ! ! !
Arigathanks for liking it 💕💕also cursed ver: lolololol
Thank you @RalucaDraws for the new emotes!! I love them! very cute talented artist <3 Arigato!
OMG I've had this one saved for sooooo long. And i finally got around to it! It's sooo beautiful. ❤️
Picrewの「arigate witch」でつくったよ!
Artisti info:
tw: _arigate
inst: _arigate
1位 叛逆のディスパレート/Vanitas Lacrimosa
2位 追憶のアリア/Blanc Bunny Bandit
3位 虚空を飛ぶ鳥は誰の夢を見るか feat.Kyohei Ariga/red glasses Trio
Licht, Black Clover # 16
menino elfo do anime lá
(pensem que o cabelo laranja é amarelo claro arigato)
🔥This week's Artist Highlight in @SpacedPainter's NFT collection is @MajorTomNFT with his cool & trippy mints 😎 I own several of his NFTs inc 1/1 :
Place your offers 👉
#raredigitalart #cryptoart #nftart #rarible #rarigang #nftcollection @rariblecom